What is Myopia?
Commonly known as Short-Sighted, it is a medical condition when a person can focus on near objects but far objects remain out of focus. Can Myopia be solved easily just by wearing glasses or opting for a LASIK or refractive laser surgery? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
What causes Myopia?
Why is it a concern?

By the year 2050, half of the world population will be Myopic! In Singapore, 80% of children are myopic by the age of 18!
When a piece of rubber band is being stretch, it will break beyond the structural limit. The same analogy is used on your eyeball, the complex nerves and blood vessels structure will get damaged if you allow the eyeball to grow uncontrollably.
The risk of myopia includes blindness caused by retinal detachment, cataract, glaucoma, and myopic maculopathy. In particular, risk of Myopic Maculopathy increases by 40 times when the myopia is above -6.00. This means the higher your myopia, the higher your risk of developing blinding eye diseases.
What are the types of Myopia Control Treatment?
Gone are the days when kids just wear normal spectacles lenses. Normal spectacles lens only corrects the eyesight and does not help in slowing the progression of myopia. There are only 4 treatment methods scientifically proven to slow down the progression of myopia. All treatments require regular follow-up by our Optometrist.